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Sunday, April 18, 2010


A short video on information literacy can be found on TeacherTube at the following site:
The video provides a good introduction on information literacy and would be suitable for anyone interested in this topic. The scope covers how we find, use and evaluate information. This is the short overview of the twelve part online tutorials on improving your research skills.
The video is presented by Bob Baker who is a Library Director at Pima College which provides authority to the tutorials.
As mentioned in the video recorded information increases by 30% every year and this series helps in understanding how we assess and use information.

Baker, 2009 Information Literacy Tutorials TeacherTube viewed 19/04/10


Rollyo allows you to create your own search engines using the sources of information that you want.
As part of the course I have registered with Rollyo with the user name of donno50. Two searchrolls were created. One was for authorative sources. This is titled "Authorative sources" and includes the Polytechnic Library, the National Library of Australia, State Library of Tasmania, and the University of Tasmania.
The second seach engine is titled "Liblit info". This looks at sites about information literacy.
Rollyo is easy to use and the navigational tabs are clearly set out.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Annotated Citation - TeacherTube

An annotated citation will be provided on Bob Bakers overview of his Information Literacy tutorials which can be found on TeacherTube at

Friday, April 16, 2010

Annotated Citation - Podcast

The JISC (Libraries of the Future) Podcast on "Information Literacy and the 'democratic right' of every learner says Scottish experts" can be found at
The podcast is an interview with John Crawford and Christine Irving who are involved in the Scottish Information Literacy project. The scope of the podcast is on information literacy and the impact it has on lifelong learning. There is the option to "find out more" from the podcast and this covers the Information Literacy Project and outlines it aims and contains many useful links.
The podcast is one of authority as both speakers have qualifications and publications in this area. During the study they worked at the Glasgow Caledonian University (which adds to the authority) and contact details are supplied.
The podcast is aimed towards anyone interested in information literacy and is current due to its publication in February 2009.
The podcast is informative and covers the current issues associated with information literacy.

Crawford, Irving, Pothen, 2009 Podcast: Information literacy the 'democratic right' of every learner, says Scottish experts JISC viewed 17/04/10

Annotated Citation - Wiki

The Library Technicians Wiki can be found at The intended audience is library technicians, library assistants and library paraprofessionals. There is a bias of information towards these groups due to the nature of the wiki. Information is easily accessible due to the navigational tabs. The scope of the information covers many aspects of the library including jobs, awards, conferences and articles. A search box is available to find information.
As the source is a wiki it should not be relied upon for authority as information could be changed by others.
Overall the wiki is a good source of information for the library sector including an excellent overview on applying for library jobs.

2010 Library Technicians viewed 17/04/10

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How to Use a Photocopier

The following video was taken at the Polytechnic in Campbell Street, Hobart. It shows how to use a photocopier. The video has been uploaded to YouTube and can be found at