The "Hey Jude website can be found at The site was created by Judy O'Connell in 2006 when she was working as an Education Consultant with Catholic Education (a diocese of 80 schools) in Sydney. In 2008 Judy O'Connell was appointed Head of Library and Information Services at St. Joseph's College, Hunter Hill.
There is a lot of information on Web 2.0 directories and the best ones for student use. It is noted that there are education versions available sometimes which result in ad free online tools. There is a link to GoWeb2.0 the web application index. A tab "Toolkits A-Z" lists toolkits for education. There is an endless amount of choices and a couple I found intersting were "Crazytalk" which allows you to make a picture talk or sing using your own voice. There is also "Build Your Wild Self" where you can create an avatar and "Blockposters" which allows you to make giant posters of any size from any image.
Another tab option available helps find free images online.
An interesting part of the website which is also mentioned in the blog is the Flat Classroom project for 2010. It looks at flattening the classroom walls through using web 2.0 to join 200 students from 10 classrooms across 6 different countries. There is a video of Judy O'Connell explaining the project which is well worth watching under the navigational tab "my portfolio".
The site has a lot of information. There are numerous links to related sites and the navigational tabs are self explanatory. There is a search box and several entry points to contact Judy O'Connell by email.
I would highly recommend looking at this site but would advise leaving time to cover all the elements it contains.
I found this blog really interesting. I particuarly liked the importance placed in reading BOOKS. I work in a school that, in the light of this technological revolution we are going through, have lost sight of the importance that literature makes to our childrens' development. Library lessons were dropped some years ago to be replaced ICT lessons.Our literacy levels dropped as a result. One good thing is that library lessons are being reintroduced this year. It is good to have a balance between the two and I believe this blog does that well.