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Monday, March 22, 2010

Evaluation of "Hey Jude" blog

The "Hey Jude" blog can be found as part of the "Hey Jude" website at It is the first navigational tab under the heading.
The blog was created by Judy O'Connell and looking through the "about" and "portfolio" tabs on the "Hey Jude" website it is obvious that the blog is one of authority due to her qualifications, participation on boards and the large amount of publications she is responsible for.
The scope and coverage of the "Hey Jude" blog is extensive. It relates to current issues and information is presented through a variety of forms. The intended audience would include anyone interested in Web 2.0 and the use of technology in the classroom and libraries.
The blog has regular posts but there are not too many that an RSS feed from the site becomes too much.
Overall the blog is an excellent source of information.

O'Connell Judy, 2006 Hey Jude viewed 18/03/2010

1 comment:

  1. Good work - another annotated citation complete and a very interesting one. For future info I would probably cut some of the wording in the second para - something like " The blog was created by Judy O'Connell and her qulaifications, as well as her various board memberships and her other publications make this an authoritative site."

    Excellent work Janey

    Thank you
