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Friday, April 16, 2010

Annotated Citation - Podcast

The JISC (Libraries of the Future) Podcast on "Information Literacy and the 'democratic right' of every learner says Scottish experts" can be found at
The podcast is an interview with John Crawford and Christine Irving who are involved in the Scottish Information Literacy project. The scope of the podcast is on information literacy and the impact it has on lifelong learning. There is the option to "find out more" from the podcast and this covers the Information Literacy Project and outlines it aims and contains many useful links.
The podcast is one of authority as both speakers have qualifications and publications in this area. During the study they worked at the Glasgow Caledonian University (which adds to the authority) and contact details are supplied.
The podcast is aimed towards anyone interested in information literacy and is current due to its publication in February 2009.
The podcast is informative and covers the current issues associated with information literacy.

Crawford, Irving, Pothen, 2009 Podcast: Information literacy the 'democratic right' of every learner, says Scottish experts JISC viewed 17/04/10


  1. Excellent - a really useful podcast I understand, Janey.

    Well done

  2. Since I work in a school I found this podcast made some really interesting points.

  3. What a good stance to take on infomation literacy, as a right. I might look at this in detail later.
